
Manage your stock
In one place

Gain real-time visibility into your product inventory and optimize the efficiency of your container shipments with multi-dimensional algorithms.

An Advanced Digital Warehouse

where you can

Upload photos
and images

Upload pictures of your products to easily manage and differentiate your stock.

Analyze Capacity
& Dimensions

Analyze the volume and weight of your products in stock through Grydd´s system.

HTS Codes

You can maintain Harmonized Tariff System codes for all your products.

Integrate your
whole inventory

Connect your data warehouse to Grydd’s operating system to integrate all your information into an easy-to-use dashboard.

Manage Special
Handling Requirements

Manage your cargo with special handling requirements or specific temperature ranges (Hazardous or Refrigerated).


Classify your products by choosing the type of cargo you have, including SKU and UPC codes.

Pablo from Grydd

"We help you clean, organize and structure all your data and current systems to take advantage of our platform.”

Pablo Pantoja - CTO Grydd

Pablo from Grydd

"We help you clean, organize and structure all your data and current systems to take advantage of our platform.”

Pablo Pantoja - CTO Grydd

Optimize Your Container Shipments

as easily as playing TETRIS

Our Artificial Intelligence models can predict the most likely path that a transport should take, and the time it will take to get to its destination based on your historical database, with several years’ worth of data; and considering the most relevant content from networking sites, weather channels, and others, to identify in real-time specific events and predict issues on your route planning.


your current supply chain & logistics operations

Product Inventory Grydd System

Our specialized teams will adapt our platform to your business to solve your problems and meet your needs. But if your company already operates one platform or more than one, we can integrate them into a single operating system. In addition, we can digitalize your blind spots within your supply chain operations. It will ensure you real-time and full visibility of your activities and finances.

Access The New Era of
The Supply Chain

Inspired by Grydd?

Please fill out the form, so we can learn more about you and your needs.