
Our solution for

Logistic Operators

Business Intelligence

Unleash all the power of your data to optimize your processes and predict situations before they impact your business.

Digital Booking

Obtain visibility into rates, transit times, and available routes, allowing you to make informed decisions based on cost, speed, and reliability. Streamline the entire booking process, saving you time and ensuring efficient shipment management.

Cargo tracking

Get real-time visibility into the movement of cargo throughout the logistics network with detailed insights into transit times, estimated arrivals, and potential delays, enabling proactive decision-making and risk mitigation.

White Label

With Grydd you can brand and customize our logistics solutions as your own, as a scalable and cost-effective way to leverage advanced technology while maintaining brand identity and control over supply chain processes.

Quote approval

Easily receive quote approvals from your clients and proceed to booking and tracking each shipment for a continuous workflow in one platform.

Inventory Turnover

Grydd AI is like having a virtual customs expert at your fingertips, streamlining and simplifying the complex process of preparing and managing your shipment’s paperwork.

Client Inventory

Through a secure and user-friendly platform, operators can view and analyze detailed inventory data provided by clients to enable precise and reliable cargo management throughout the supply chain.

Contracts management

Seamlessly manage negotiated prices with ocean and air carriers while also storing client contracts with their specific pricing arrangements.

Request for Quote

Our system allows you to promptly receive requests and deliver quotes aligned with your pricing structures, streamlining processes and enhancing customer responsiveness.

Multi-Proposal Quoting

Create and present multiple proposals for a quote, providing flexibility and options for clients to choose the most suitable pricing and service package, enhancing collaboration and satisfaction.

Cargo consolidation

Optimize space utilization, reduce shipping costs, and enhance efficiency by coordinating and managing cargo consolidation seamlessly, maintaining cargo integrity and compliance with safety regulations.


Grydd facilitates international transactions by integrating exchange rate management and currency conversion tools, ensuring accurate financial reporting and risk mitigation in global operations.

Business Rules

Adapt our system to your specific needs and seamlessly adapt and improve your current workflow into Grydd with our Business Rules configuration.

Multiple Delivery P.O.

Organize multiple shipments within a single purchase order for streamlined logistics coordination and enhanced client satisfaction.

Custom Development

Our process involves initial consultation and requirement gathering, followed by system design and architecture planning, iterative development cycles, rigorous testing, deployment, and continuous optimization based on feedback and evolving business needs.

Collaboration Hub

Step into a digital command center where every thread of your supply chain weaves together seamlessly, creating a symphony of efficiency and insight.

Cargo optimization

Our advanced AI algorithms analyzes cargo dimensions, weight distribution, stacking configurations, and container capacities to create the most space-efficient loading plans.


Invite and collaborate with partner companies seamlessly. Through secure access, users can share information, coordinate processes, and communicate in real time, fostering efficient collaboration across the supply chain ecosystem.

Lets discuss how Grydd can transform your business