
Batman in the new world of logistics

Comics like Batman have marked generations, the heroes’ stories have always been full of action and suspense. However, at the same time deal with everyday issues like school life or unemployment.  

From this point of view, comics are not so different from the supply chain, after all the world of logistics also brings action and deals with everyday life. The subjects may seem distant, but there are more similarities than we imagine.

Not only the production of the comic books themselves but the entire parallel trade in the universe of heroes. From suppliers of paints, plastics, and packaging to giants of the toy industry, like Mattel and Hasbro, are living proof of this common zone.

Characteristic scenes like the crash of baby Superman’s spaceship on the farm or the murder of Batman’s parents brought the necessary excitement to win over the young audience. While the events with their secret personalities were left to develop a realistic scenario. 

This strategy of the script may have worked for many years but be honest with me – Can anyone stand to see Batman’s origin again? How many scenes of those pearls falling to the ground have yet to be replicated? 

The same goes for production models and visibility limited by obsolete systems in the supply chain. The world has brought new things and industries (entertainment or not) need to adapt to them. 

Call Batman, maybe this way we can meet the demand 

Today’s market constantly challenges the supply chain, the demand for deliveries has grown while manpower has shrunk. Port delays and Covid outbreaks further complicate making reliable forecasts. 

Each project needs to be within a flexible planning framework that can handle unforeseen events. Dealing with the supply chain at times like these looks like a knife fight with the joker.  

With new villains in every corner, we need new tools. Communication, visibility, oversight, and transparency need to be complete to achieve supply chain resilience. This requires all company information to go through the same system that can analyze it to provide answers and predictions. 

Because we understand the need to have the best technology available only to our customers, Grydd is the only company that offers an operating system focused on the supply chain. If you are not yet a Grydd partner, click here and find out all we can do for you