
How to get a smart supply chain 

Being smart is nothing more and nothing less than solving problems as efficiently as possible. By efficient, I mean fast, cheap, and easy. 

The year 2022 was intended to be the year the supply chain went back on track, but then Omicron happened, and the supply chain difficulties persist to this day. The list of problems grows by the day. 

From computer chip shortages that began in 2020 to port closures to worker availability. Asia, as the world’s manufacturer, is having a giant influence on the global economy. 

The supply chain’s issues are many. They have taken years to develop and will not be corrected overnight. That does not, however, mean that chief supply chain officers and procurement and logistics teams should do nothing. 

Instead of being on the “defensive” and relying on siloed and archaic technology, as many have done for decades.  It’s time to go on the attack and embrace an end-to-end analytics data pipeline that provides them with the active information they need to act in real-time. 

Last standing white king in chess game for business or competition win concept

Solving your problems in a smart way 

Despite having visibility, many companies take too long to process the data – some even take weeks. Companies today need to see much further ahead, with daily or even hourly insight, to improve risk management and alternative sourcing agreements. 

Simply anticipating difficulties is insufficient. Companies must be agile in order to comprehend the ramifications and, more crucially, to act in a timely way. 

This is especially critical when supply chain challenges arise at the last minute, causing backlogs that affect not just ships and planes trapped on coastlines and tarmacs, but also a ripple effect that affects warehouses, labor, and other areas. 

We witnessed this in January 2022, when China shut down Ningbo port. One of its busiest ports (and the world’s third-largest cargo port), due to clogged roads and Covid-19 lockdown regulations. 

The consequences are real, and the impact is catastrophic, even for giant corporations. Some global companies have recorded billion-dollar losses due to supply chain defects as recently as the end of last year. 

The final solution 

Our smart operating system will optimize your supply chain in all sectors. Integration, visibility, technological innovation, communication, and business intelligence. Additionally, you will get access to a multidisciplinary team of experts eager to help you.