
Technological advance, chess, and supply chain. Where does it all meet?

Some lessons come from unexpected places. The greatest showdown in chess can teach something about visibility for the supply chain?



Technological advance, chess, and supply chain. Where does it all meet?

Despite their distinct personalities, chess and supply chain have a lot in common. Both demand the ability to predict the opponent’s actions as soon as feasible. And much of chess history it is useful to educate about the supply chain. Because of the existing volatility of the supply chain, every decision should be carefully thought. When making judgments, all disturbances must be taken into account. Just like a checkmate unfolding.

Because of the severity of the obstacles that have been demonstrated, the creation of solutions to supply chain problems has been hastened. Real-time cargo visibility systems are improving all the time. It would be like playing chess without seeing all of the pieces on the board.

As a result, it is essential to constantly use the most up-to-date technology accessible. Working with real-time visibility allows you to tackle problems before they arise. 

The greatest duel in chess

Another important lesson came from the Deep Blue vs Kasparov match.

In 1770, Wolfgang von Kempelen “developed” the first chess-playing mechanism, which was essentially a ruse to dazzle European nobles. Since then, artificial intelligence has achieved some tremendous achievements. In 1996, an IBM supercomputer known as Deep Blue compete against Garry Kasparov, one of the greatest chess players of all time. From 1985 through 2000, the Soviet player was the world champion.

For the first time, a robot defeated a world chess champion in a match. However, Kasparov outperformed in the subsequent matches and won the final game. There was a sequel in 1997, and this time the machine won with a movement that was a surprise. Deep Blue made early sacrifices in exchange for future rewards.

The potential of advanced systems to provide visibility into all conceivable actions has only increased since then, and this is the type of capability we require. Making initial sacrifices is often essential, but it may sometimes be excessively hazardous.

Having an integrated operating system like Grydd is taking a supercomputer to the chess match. That way you can work with confidence on the information you get.